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HSE responsibility 

FH Contractors is responsible for enabling you to work safely. HSE is a line responsibility that extends from top management to all employees. But first and foremost, HSE starts with: Myself!

As an employee, you have a duty to:

  • Take responsibility for your own and others' safety and health

  • Follow the rules regarding safety and health applicable to the work

  • Contribute to ensuring that safety measures are effective

  • Rectify errors and deficiencies of environmental, safety, and health significance

  • Report hazardous conditions and incidents (to be reported in the form below)

Quality and Attitudes towards one's own and others' values

Spacious and safe working environment

Our employees are treated equally and employed under conditions that at a minimum comply with local laws and regulations. Our workplace must be free from discrimination and harassment, and we are committed to ensuring a safe working environment that supports the health and well-being of our employees.

We commit to consulting and involving employees, including safety representatives, in the work of maintaining and ensuring a healthy and safe working environment.

We are each responsible for identifying, understanding, and mitigating unacceptable risks that affect our employees' health, safety, and security. Only through a trusting collaboration can a safe workplace be maintained where daily tasks can be performed without the risk of accidents.

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Your HSE responsibility

As an FH Contractors employee, you must always familiarize yourself with local health, environment, and safety regulations. Stricter requirements at the workplaces in relation to FH Contractors' general requirements must always take the highest priority.

FH Contractors' HSE guidelines serve as the "lowest common denominator" for health, environment, and safety regulations at your workplace. This means that it represents a set of safety rules that must be observed as a minimum unless otherwise communicated in writing.

For example, this may be the case when working at another company, where stricter safety requirements are provided. In such cases, the stricter safety requirements provided by the company must be followed prior to the instructions in FH Contractors' HSE guidelines.

The legislation of the host country must be respected and adhered to. Failure to do so will result in repatriation.

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Sick leave

FH Contractors vil:

  • Sikre tryghed og trivsel for den enkelte medarbejder 

  • Skabe åbenhed om fraværsårsager 

  • Behandler medarbejderne ens ved fravær

  • Fastholde langtidssyge medarbejdere 

  • Nedsætte sygefraværet 


Politikken skal nås ved samarbejde og åben dialog mellem ledelsen og medarbejderne. FH Contractors har udarbejdet en sygefraværsprocedure for at sikre en god håndtering af sygefravær.

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Personal Conduct

You represent the company FH Contractors. We expect you to conduct yourself in a sober and proper manner towards both colleagues, customers, and partners. Remember that when you work for FH Contractors, you are the face of the company to the outside world.

FH Contractors' own location

When you are at FH Contractors' own location, you must always clean up after yourself. The safety rules mentioned in this handbook apply. You are also always responsible for handling the company's tools, materials, and equipment properly. Waste should be sorted correctly into the marked bins and containers.

Vi følger loven og lokale overenskomster

FH Contractors forpligter sig altid til at overholde loven. Dette betyder, at du som medarbejder kan have tillid til, at vi holder vores løfter og handler i overensstemmelse med lovgivningen.

Vi indgår desuden  overenskomster både i Danmark og Norge for at sikre tryghed og trivsel for hver enkelt medarbejder.

Spørgsmål om arbejdsmiljøpolitikken? 
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