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Elektrisk kværn

In the event of an accident

Precautions in case of an accident
FH Contractors icon first aid

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


First aid is the help given to an injured person by those present at the time of the accident. It is important that correct first aid is given until the ambulance arrives.

First Aid Recovery Position for Epileptic Seizure

What has happened? 

  1. Always ensure your own safety before you examine the patient

  2. Get an overview 


  1. Consciousness - is the patient conscious? (look at / talk to / touch

  2. Airways - open the airways

  3. Breathing - check if the person is breathing normally

  4. Circulation - check bleedings

  5. Temperature - prevent cooling

Recovery position

Stop bleeding: Press a finger into the wound, lay the injured person down with the bleeding area elevated.

For burns, scalds or chemical burns: Rinse thoroughly with cold water or other cooling agent.

Alerting emergency services

  • Dial: 112 - (in Denmark),

  • 112 - police (in Norway),

  • 113 - ambulance (in Norway)

Ensure someone is at the gate/entrance to direct the emergency vehicle to the correct location.

General first aid

For minor bleeding, apply a bandage.

Speak calmly and hold the injured person's hand or put an arm around their shoulder.


Forbrænding og skoldning

Rør aldrig direkte ved tilskadekomne, før strømmen er afbrudt.                                     

  • Hvis muligt, sluk for hovedafbryderen.

  • Ved manglende vejrtrækning, giv kunstigt åndedræt.

  • Ved manglende puls, giv hjertemassage.

  • Tilkald ambulance.

Alle, der har forbrændingsmærker eller har været bevidstløse efter at have fået strøm igennem kroppen, skal lægeundersøges, også selvom den tilskadekomne ikke føler sig utilpas.

Skyl omgående det forbrændte område med koldt eller helst kuldslået vand (15-20°C). Sænk, hvis det er muligt, det forbrændte område ned i en spand eller et kar med vand.


Der skylles, til smerterne er ophørt, dog mindst en halv time. Sørg også for skylning på vej til eventuel behandling.


Ved arbejde i varme og specielt ekstremt varme omgivelser kan der opstå hedeslag eller solstik.

Ved synsforstyrrelser, kvalme, svimmelhed, hovedpine:

  • Hjælp personen til køligere omgivelser og giv vedkommende rigeligt at drikke (vand, saft el.lign.).

  • Foretag evt. afkøling ved at anbringe personens hænder/underarme og fødder i kuldslået vand (15-20°C).

  • Ved besvimelse - tilkald ambulance.

Accident Precautions

If you are involved in a work accident or injury, it must be treated at the nearest hospital or emergency room.

The injury must be reported to your workplace/company after treatment.

REMEMBER! Near-miss incidents must also be reported.


You can always call the on-call phone number in Denmark at +4540141467 if you need answers or advice.

In the event of a serious personal injury, FH Contractors will undertake the necessary actions, including arranging for repatriation if required.

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