Working in heat

Working in heat and especially extreme heat such as when welding, cutting, impacting, soldering and grinding equipment, roofing with open fire or hot air tools and other use of fire.
When Working in the Heat, You Should:
Take two minutes to think through the work process.
Check that there are no flammable materials above, below, or beside you.
Assess whether hot work may produce exhaust gases from paint, pipe systems, leveling compounds, or surface-treated areas.
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Use a fire watch when necessary to maintain control over the operation.
Clean up after finishing work and inspect the equipment.
Consider removing or cleaning protective equipment when the work stops.
In Case of Exhaustion:
Working in heat, especially in extremely hot environments, can lead to heatstroke or sunstroke.
If experiencing vision disturbances, nausea, dizziness, or headache:
Move the person to a cooler environment and provide plenty of fluids (water, juice, etc.).
If necessary, cool the person down by placing their hands, forearms, and feet in cool water (15-20°C).
In Case of Fainting:
Call an ambulance.
Remember, safety always comes first!
These guidelines constitute the foundation for health, environment, safety, and quality at FH Contractors. By adhering to them, you contribute to our common goal of maintaining a high level of safety in the workplace, which protects both people, the environment, and equipment.
9 Life Saving Rules

Bypassing Safety Controls
Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety-controls:
I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task
I obtain authorisation before:
disabling or overriding safety equipment
deviating from procedures
crossing a barrier

Confined Space
Obtain authorisation before entering a confirned space:
I confirm energy sources are isolated
I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored
I check and use my breathing apparatus when required
I confirm there is an attendant standing by
I confirm a rescue plan is in place
I obtain authorisation to enter.

Safe Mechanical Lifting
Plan lifting operations and control the area:
I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose
I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use
I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
I never walk under a suspended load.

Work Authorization
Work with a valid permit when required:
I have confirmed if a permit is required
I am authorised to perform the work
I understand the permit
I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start
I stop and reassess if conditions change.

Follow safe driving rules:
I always wear a seatbelt
I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions
I do not use phones or operate devices while driving
I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving
I follow journey management requirements.

Hot Work
Control flammables and ignition sources:
I identify and control ignition sources
Before starting any hot work:
I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated
I obtain authorisation
Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm:
a gas test has been completed
gas will be monitored continually.

Working at Height
Protect yourself against a fall when working at height:
I inspect my fall protection equipment before use
I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects
I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area.

Energy isolation
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins:
I have identified all energy sources
I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged
I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy.

Line of fire
Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins:
I position myself to avoid:
moving objects
pressure releases
dropped objects
I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones
I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects